Neurodiversity Group


Book Topics:
Part I
1. Some Facts about Asperger Syndrome (ASD)
2. Is Asperger Syndrome (ASD) Predominately a Male Condition?
3. Suspected, Undiagnosed Asperger Syndrome (ASD)
4. Obsessive Behavior or Special Interests?
5. Socializing, Friends, Present and Past
6. Trying to Communicate
7. Seeking a Diagnosis
8. After the Diagnosis, What Next?
9. Initial Attraction
10. Getting Help

Part II
11. Living and Coping with Asperger Syndrome (ASD)
12. Improving Communication
13. Getting the Message Across
14. Anger
15. Sex
16. Parenting
17. Money Matters
18. Special Interests
19. Routines
20. Socializing Solutions
21. Empathy and Reciprocity
22. Asperger Syndrome (ASD) Cannot Be Blamed for Everything
23. Staying Together

My dear friends, Mark and Kenda Moloney, have worked REALLY hard & in smart ways to address how ASD impacts their relationships and life!!!!!

The current prevalence of ASD is estimated to be 1 in 58 to 1 in 250. The male to female sex ratio is estimated to be 8:1.

Kenda and I will host a private and confidential group for women in neurodiverse marriages/relationships where we will discuss Maxine Ashton’s book, “Other Half of Asperger Syndrome: A Guide to Living in an Intimate Relationship With a Partner Who is on the Autism Spectrum (2nd edition).

Feel free to share with fellow disciples impacted by neurodiversity.

Kenda’s comments are featured in this article:

Book Discussion

Join us for a women’s book discussion group beginning on
March 24th or March 26th (TBD), 2022
Sign up for the discussion

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